Star Stitch Crocheted Hand Towel

It’s been about three weeks with the Shelter In Place order and all of us are doing the best we can staying indoors and only going out when absolutely necessary — or when my dog gives me that look. And since then, we’ve all taken extra precautionary measures: standing a minimum of six feet away from one another, covering up when you cough or sneeze (you should have been doing that if you haven’t already!), disinfecting common areas, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You can count to twenty, sing your favorite song, hum the birthday tune or do a happy dance, but make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. 

In the spirit of hand-washing, I decided to go back and crochet some hand towels, since I found myself stocking up on paper towels. I landed on the Star Stitch crochet pattern because I wanted to do more than a single, double or treble crochet, but didn’t want to get too complicated and count. After all, when you’ve got a glass of wine in hand, some munchies and your favorite Netflix show going, you deserve to make it easy on yourself and enjoy the show. 

Now sit back, relax and crochet!