Homemade Hot Pot

On cold wintry evenings such as tonight, there’s nothing that warms the heart and soul like homemade hot pot. It’s one of my favorite, easy-to-do meals that comes with some prep work in advance. But it’s the prep work that makes sitting around the hot pot such a fun and enjoyable meal. And I’ve got to thank my mom for doing all the hard work.

Much of the seafood, meats and vegetables, you can buy at your local Ranch 99, Tokyo Fish Market or Asian grocery stores on Irving and/or Geary if you’re a San Franciscan local. You can ask them to thinly slice the meats or if you’ve got mad knife skills, you can slice them yourself. Tonight we’re having pork, beef and lamb, and for extra protein, throw in an egg.

Other favorites are the fish balls, white mushrooms, firm tofu and udon noodles when dipped in the the spicy peanut sauce. For the soup base, my mom uses chicken broth with the fresh flavor of ginger, cabbage, tomatoes and red peppers. It’s simply, but flavorful.
I’m feeling warmer already!