Memorial Day Backyard BBQ

This Memorial Day weekend off, we’re kicking it off in style with a backyard BBQ. Corn on the cob, spicy hot buffalo wings, a rack of ribs, garlic bread and grilled artichoke are a few of the items that are already on the hopper. I’m looking forward to the grilled artichoke. I hope we can make it just as good as Hillstone’s. They ended up a little tough on the outside. One thing we’ll want to try the next time around is boiling them just a bit before throwing them on the  grill, otherwise it will be as hard as a rock when eating it. Lesson learned. Post BBQ, we ended up heating them in the oven to let the artichoke heart soften. But when it is cooked right, it’s pretty darn good, especially if you pack it with some butter, garlic cloves, and salt and pepper.