Homemade Chicken Jerky

If you’re willing to spend a day making sourdough bread, you better believe I’m equally willing to spend a day making chicken jerky for my dog. It’s what we as dog moms do. Plus it’s healthier and more cost effective. 

If you know me, I’m not that big of a meat-eater. If it’s there, fully cooked and prepared well, I’ll eat it. Otherwise, I don’t normally go out of the way to make it unless it’s for a special occasion or it’s for my dog. But since I’ve given him a meat-only diet (with a side of kibble), I spent a lot of time in the meat aisle. Chicken, beef, pork, turkey, cornish game hen, shrimp and salmon. None if it is off the table for this little guy. Out of them all, hands down, he’d prefer chicken over any of these, unless it’s a prime rib. 

Homemade dog treats

When it comes to buying chicken, lean meat is healthy, but secretly, we both prefer a little skin on the bone, so it’s rare for me to buy the chicken breast. But the chicken breast is great for making chicken jerky. It’s meaty and plump, and you can make a whole bag of chicken jerky with four hefty chicken breasts. 

Now, we just need to wait 12 hours.