Creative Musings

Do you have a special place in your home where you can just sit back, relax and let the ideas flow? With a busy work week, a congested commute and a social media outlet that’s always on, you’ve got to find some time for yourself to let loose and decompress. I created this space for myself in anticipation for moments where I just need to get away from it all. This is a place where the phone is tucked away, the television is turned off and I can sit with the company of my dog, a little Pandora and maybe even a book. It’s a place where I can be creative and let my mind wander. It’s a place where I can think freely of yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s a place that is peaceful and safe. It’s a place of my own. I hope you have a place you love just as much because it’s kind of important for us creative folks. You know what I mean?