Banana Chips

It’s not until I spend quite a bit of money at the grocery store buying healthy snacks do I remember I have a dehydrator tucked behind the storage cabinet. Well, today was my lucky day. Just as I caught myself picking up a bag of banana chips, I stopped myself at midpoint from dropping it into the shopping cart. Instead I decided to walk down the produce aisle and pick up a bunch of ripe bananas. By the time I headed out the door, not only was I secretly smiling on the inside partly because I made the right decision to purchase a healthy snack, but also because I was excited to whip out the dehydrator. It was that simple and all I had to do was slice the bananas in halves, cut them into thirds, place them on the dehydrator and wait. That’s it. No added sugar or preservatives.

Homemade Banana Chips

And 14 hours later, you have chewy golden brown banana chips. This is the moment I pop some of these into my mouth and then bag the rest for later. If you’re not a fan of chewy banana chips, then you have one more step, which is to place them into the oven for five to ten minutes so you can get that crunch.