A Smarter Way to Commute

By | February 10th, 2020|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Project Management Sparks, Time Management|

W e live in a highly interconnected and mobile world where telecom and tech media companies are pushing into the era of 5G. This technology breakthrough enables businesses to expand their digital reach and consumers to better utilize their smartphone and mobile devices in any given location. Access to 5G provides a number of capabilities [...]

New Year, New Habits

By | January 25th, 2018|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Change Management, Project Management Sparks, Time Management|

The start of the New Year brings with it a whirlwind of challenges and opportunities waiting for people to conquer and seize them. Along with everyone else, I’m hardly one to shy away from making a new year’s resolution. Over the years, those lofty goals of eating right, losing weight, traveling the world and sleeping [...]

Throwing Your Fist in the Air and Holding It Up High

By | December 21st, 2017|Closing Out, Project Management Sparks, Project Planning, Time Management|

W ith the end of the year approaching, you’ve earned the humble pleasure and gratification to finally throw that fist in the air and let out a howling scream, “I did it!” Ticking off that last to do on your checklist, packaging all those assets and closing out on your project is most rewarding when [...]