Five Impacts of the Pandemic that Will Change How Employees Show Up for Work

By | November 16th, 2020|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, The Human Side of Project Management|

A s if preparing for tomorrow weren’t enough of an accelerant to shake things up, Covid-19 made its unannounced entrance turning the world of work upside down. Organizations that had expected their digitization efforts to withstand marketplace volatility or economic downtowns found themselves in a vulnerable state of shock while workers were forced into a [...]

Five Ways to Cope with Stress and Overcome Virtual Solitude

By | August 16th, 2020|Agility and Resilience, Project Management Sparks, The Human Side of Project Management|

E ven with stay-at-home orders and mandatory lockdowns in place, to say that these past couple of months has been uneventful is certainly a huge understatement. Shifting to a fully remote workforce has gained you an hour or two of time at both the top and bottom of the day only to rob you of [...]

A Smarter Way to Commute

By | February 10th, 2020|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Project Management Sparks, Time Management|

W e live in a highly interconnected and mobile world where telecom and tech media companies are pushing into the era of 5G. This technology breakthrough enables businesses to expand their digital reach and consumers to better utilize their smartphone and mobile devices in any given location. Access to 5G provides a number of capabilities [...]

The Year of the Rat: What Project Managers Can Learn from Their Trusty Friend

By | January 29th, 2020|Agility and Resilience, Project Management Sparks|

C lever, canny and sly, rats are cunning little creatures that live among us and aren’t afraid to leave their mark. Commonly known for being optimistic and highly intelligible, rats will rarely pass up a free meal, a cozy place to rest or a great opportunity. Oftentimes, these critters are quick on their feet in [...]

Inside-Out to Outside-In: Taking Your Marketing Strategy to the Next Level

By | June 23rd, 2019|Agility and Resilience, Digital Marketing, Project Management Sparks|

The ubiquity of digital media outlets has made reaching customers more accessible for businesses. With the press of a button, companies can post a blog, make a social media announcement, cue up the nurture campaigns and run a series of paid ads to their budget’s content. However many attention-grabbing headlines, news articles and social media [...]

End of Year Review and What I’ll Bring with Me into the New Year

By | December 28th, 2018|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Closing Out, Project Management Sparks|

Y ou made it through the high and low seasons, elbowed your way through the crowds to get those last minute holiday gifts and polished off the crumbs from any uneaten cookies for Santa, and now you’re ready to count down to the new year. While I am usually one of the first to raise [...]

Eight Essential Business Skills for Every Project Manager

By | August 22nd, 2018|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Project Management Sparks, The Human Side of Project Management|

The demand for skilled project managers continues to grow at alarming rates. By 2027, employers will need 87.7 million individuals working in project management-oriented roles. Industries including finance and insurance, manufacturing and construction, management and professional services, and others require qualified practitioners to fill the widening gap between employers who seek skilled project managers and [...]

Three, Two, One… Flow

By | June 11th, 2018|Agility and Resilience, Project Management Sparks|

It’s the moment on the treadmill after you’ve hit the start button, placed the towel over the timer, and take off running. It’s the moment when you’ve gathered your research materials, flipped open your book, and let your eyes run across the page. It’s the moment you’ve sat down, powered on your laptop, and let [...]

Take It from the Top: Initiating a Project and Lifting Off

By | February 12th, 2018|Agility and Resilience, Initiating a Project, Project Management Sparks|

T here’s something novel about taking on a brand new project and envisioning that clear or not so clear path to success that continues to pique my interest. Forming a team, setting up goals, mapping out a project plan and working your way through milestones poses as somewhat of an adventure to those who favor [...]

New Year, New Habits

By | January 25th, 2018|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Change Management, Project Management Sparks, Time Management|

The start of the New Year brings with it a whirlwind of challenges and opportunities waiting for people to conquer and seize them. Along with everyone else, I’m hardly one to shy away from making a new year’s resolution. Over the years, those lofty goals of eating right, losing weight, traveling the world and sleeping [...]

Make It Stick

By | August 14th, 2017|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, Change Management|

A s with every high school kid, you probably recall those golden years as a sophomore or junior when you had to prepare for the SATs – yes those “Saturday” tests - and memorize a plethora of vocabulary words to apply to the multiple choice section of the exam. At some point, your history teacher [...]

Keeping up with the PDUs

By | June 20th, 2017|Agility and Resilience, Career Development, PMP Certification|

I f you’re thinking PDUs (Professional Development Units), then congratulations and a big pat on the back for you. You’ve overcome the tough part. The PMP (Project Management Professional) test and the less than desired application process. For some, the test pales in comparison to the laundry list of items needed to complete the application: [...]

Embracing Change

By | February 19th, 2017|Agility and Resilience, Change Management|

W e’ve all had those days where we’re met with unforeseen obstacles or occurrences that rub us the wrong way and offset our balance for the moment. You get cut off by a driver who forces you to slam on your brakes, the woman at the end of the grocery line miraculously makes her way [...]

Fail Fast to Succeed

By | January 5th, 2017|Agility and Resilience, Project Management Sparks|

I f project management has taught me anything, it’s learning how to welcome failure. More often than none, project managers are tasked with managing sizeable projects without always having the necessary tools and requirements at their disposable to successfully drive a project. They’re asked to “think big” and “act small” in order to meet lofty [...]